There’re different reasons as to why there’re white spots on your throat. While most can be easily treated, others lead to more complicated health issues.
White spots on throat may occur as a result of bacterial, viral, yeast infection or due to calcified clusters on them. Streptococcal angina often causes throat white patches.
The REAL death star: Astronomers spot white dwarf ripping apart a planet that ventured too close. Occurred in ancient cluster of stars at the edge of the Milky Way galaxy
Frequent Sore Throats . Everyone gets a sore throat at some time. The nose and throat are constantly defending against outside elements and bacteria.
White spots on back of throat can appear immediately on the back wall of the oropharynx or on the surface on tonsils. They are typical to pharyngitis, tons
Today I Found Out what those foul smelling, small, white-ish, chunks that you can sometimes feel at the back of your throat when you swallow are. They’re called Tonsilths or Tonsil Stones.
Oral Thrush. If you happen to notice a white spot on the throat, you may be developing oral thrush. This condition is caused by a yeast infection in the mouth.
wildflower identification guide for central Sierra Nevada foothills with photos, white flowers
The distinguishing factor that determines whether a tea plant will become white, green, oolong, or black tea is oxidation. Oxidation begins after the leaf has been plucked from the plant, and begins a process of being dried, withered, rolled, and heat treated.